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Frequency Specific Low Level Laser Therapy
Low Level Laser Therapy stimulates enhanced function at the DNA level of cells to rehabilitate the body's ability to heal. This therapy can be customized to direct healing to the areas specific to your injury or neuromuscular problems. FDA approved therapeutic results on neck and back pain, heel pain, and planter fasciitis, post operative pain, and clinical effects in my practice with arthritis, neuropathy, and many other pain based issues.
While there are two types of "cold laser therapy" few use the body's natural wavelength to communicate life function stimulation to restore healing to the cells as the Erchonia PL5000 does. Others only use heat to increase circulation similar to a warm compress to higher intensity. Choose the right laser for the right response by your body to heal naturally. While the cycle of the healing cascade is fairly well known in the body, the part least understood is "if the bodyknows how to heal itself, why doesn't it?" This is a large part of practicing medicine that we struggle with, but with the Erchonia PL5000 frequency specific low level laser, we can utilize the body's healing mechanism and stimulate it in the way the body would for natural healing, with no risk of negative side effects.
Come in to discuss how the Erchonia PL5000 could help your chronic or aacute problems. Read more on Erchonia.com or view a video showing this technique: Low Level Laser Therapy

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