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Percussor Massage Therapy
Our Percussor massage therapy is a technique developed and utilized by our therapist Trish Kallenbach for over 10 years to maximize the benefits of reducing pain, restoring range of motion, increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage from the area, all with little or no pain that sometimes classic massage and physical therapy can cause! Freeing up the tissue layers also enhances the effectiveness of therapies such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture and other therapies.
This technique can safely be done on individuals who have had back surgeries and fusions, osteoporosis, and other conditions that limit chiropractic and other deep tissue care options. Percussor massage therapy can be precisely modified to meet the comfort level of the client. Additionally this technique is done over soft lightweight clothing so it is more acceptable for many. The sessions typically last 20-30 minutes, rather than the 60-90 minutes of a classic massage and can accomplish significant pain relief and increased motion in just one or two sessions.
This technique can be utilized after a relaxing, hydrating, steam-bed session that promotes muscle relaxation, along with our low level therapeutic laser, or a stand-alone therapy depending on your unique health concerns.
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