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Steam Bed Therapy
The many changes the body goes through as a result of waste product build-up or pain can be far reaching and sometimes nearly insurmountable, but adding moist heat to the body has long been known to help dilute and flush out the waste products and increase circulation. Now a revolutionary way to hydrate nerve and muscle at the cellular level to "get a jump" on pain or "detoxifying" can be provided in the Hydration Steam Bed which performs combinations of the latest technology and advances in body therapies: steam. infrared heat, hydro, photo, vibration massage, aroma therapy, and all in a comfortable reclining position.
Thirty minutes can cleanse, tone and tighten your skin, provide deep sweating detoxification, increase cellular hydration and circulation to relieve pain and promote healing. Used alone, in combination with our natural mineral body wrap, or prior to massage, chiropractic care or laser therapy, this promotes healing and pain reduction and "super-charges" each of your healing therapies.

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